- The service chiefs are at the frontline of the machinery and if you remove them if you are not sure of the next set of military leaders or security leaders, then you will not achieve anything.
- If we picked on any of the top military commanders, let’s take someone like the late General Victor Malu. If they gave him the assignment to go and crush Boko Haram for example … he would probably burn down the whole place and kill or smoke them out.
- If you want to end an insurgency, you will end it, if you want to play with it, you will play with it.
- We can start with the South-East by saying, what do you people actually want? Do you want to be a part of Nigeria or you want to opt-out?
- Why do we have people who can be easily mobilised or recruited into some of these terrorists’ gangs? You want to deal with those kinds of issues. So, we have to look beyond the narrow approach of tackling security threat.
- … if you have seen any exchange taking place between the NEF and the government at any level, it must have been out of frustration, at least on the part of the Forum.
- … at some point, political zoning is going to end and that may be better for everybody since each group in this country will have a chance of putting forward their ‘competent’ leaders at the federal, state and local government levels.
- … the confidence that has remained in the North now about power in Nigeria is that we can always win an election whether we have the South with us or not.