Undoubtedly, every right-thinking Nigerian should be concerned about the state of our nation, a country we love so much known as Nigeria. Long before now, the country has been foremost attraction within and beyond the shores of Africa. It has been a nation so well respected because of the quality and quantity of our contents in terms of human and material resources.
Out of every ten Africans whether in Europe or America about 6 or 7 might be Nigerians working in different realms of life developing the economies and atmosphere of these nations. We are a country where the best in the world can be found in terms of intellectuality, strength, energy, productivity, integrity and all the attributes that characterises good nation-building.
Some decades ago, due to the quality of her people, it was rational that if Africa were to be governed by a President like in a Nation, that choice should come from Nigeria.
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Today, the question has changed. Where are we as a nation full of all these qualities expressed above? I found it sad and unlike me to speak negatively about my dear beloved Nigeria. But, the truth must be said and only the truth can save the people and the nation. If I describe Nigeria today as I did in the paragraph above, I will be operating in a fool’s paradise as my nation has drifted from the very positive description that made us the Giant of Africa to the state of instability, disgrace, disappointment, insecurity, and approaching a state of calamity.
We as a nation have degenerated from the great heights we used to be to a dismal level of performance in governance and in all ramifications. I have joined millions of Nigerians at home, aboard and even our foreign friends to ask the question “How did we get to where we are?”
In all these, coupled with the state we find ourselves, breaking the nation into pieces is far from being the answer. Speaking with every sense of responsibility as a nationalist and a great lover of Nigeria, the strength of our nation is in our size and complexity. Disintegration will only mean smaller nations which will probably make little significance. We are the biggest economy in Africa because of the size of our economy which is dependent on our population, diversity, the energy of our people and our resources. Therefore, anything other than Nigeria as it is will make us lose our relevance in Africa and the global environment. Therefore, I appeal to those who are preaching the sermon of disintegration to please change and preach the sermon of unity for the sake of the younger Nigerians coming behind us.
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Being small has its own demerits. Also, being big has its own advantages. If we want to be relevant in Africa and beyond, Nigeria must be together.
I think it is time for an overall RESTRUCTURING. We need to practice true FEDERALISM. Even though the devolution of powers will certainly not provide instant answers to our many challenges, it will help reposition our frame of mind as we create new ideas and initiatives that would make our unity stronger. Restructuring the country means that we are all in agreement on our unity despite our differences and we strive to do all that we can in other to strengthen our structures and make Nigeria great again through our comparative advantages.
The time is now for us to take the bull by the horn. We must as a people with one purpose and common agenda take decisions for the sake of future generations in our collective obligation to launch our Nation on the path of development and growth.
People might ask; how do we stay united in a country where there is so much insecurity and unfairness? My sermon is for us to stay together and solve our differences as we cannot foresee the challenges that might be waiting for us if the country is divided. We are fine where we are and should not be thinking of breaking the country into smaller nations.
Therefore, I appeal to the leadership of Nigeria to please listen to the voice of the masses. The leadership of our nation must address those things dividing us, as against keeping quiet as if nothing is happening. It is the lack of this that is exaggerating the voice of disintegration in our beloved country.
Hence, I urge the government to please call for an urgent discussion between the different groups in Nigeria who are tired of this relationship.
In the year 2014, a National Conference was inaugurated and reports of delegates that represented a cross-section of Nigerians were submitted. If the government is reluctant to act on these reports, then the needed structures to make us live together in harmony will be absent.
If a husband and wife are not at peace seeing each other every day and they do nothing to resolve it in order to ensure their happiness, it is evident that they are heading towards a divorce. To stop Nigeria from disintegration, we need to come together and discuss our differences in a bid to find solutions to our problems and agree on how to live together as one. If the citizens see that these steps are being pursued by this administration, there will be less clamour for disintegration and the government will have a better enabling environment to govern and peace will return to our country.